General enquiries
Key information
The Charter School North Dulwich
Red Post Hill
SE24 9JH
School Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8.00am-5.00pm
Key contacts
Headteacher: Mark Pain
Please email or via our Reception team on the telephone number above.
PA to Headteacher
Linda Ewen
Office Manager:
Kelly Matthews
or call: 020 7346 6600
Where we are...
Who can help?
We would be pleased to answer any enquiries you may have either by telephone or email. Follow our guidance below on who's best to handle your enquiry below or alternatively, explore our staff directory.
Communication pathways
Who to speak to first
To speak to someone about teaching and learning:
I have a question about my child’s learning/ I want to know more about in-class rewards and sanctions
Class Teacher
Subject Leader
Key Curriculum Leader
AHT Teaching & Learning
To speak to someone about pastoral:
I have a question about my child’s wellbeing/ I want to know more about school rewards and sanction systems
Form Tutor
Year Leader
Pastoral Deputy Head
To speak to someone about Extra-curricular:
I have a question about my child’s clubs or career options
Careers & Destinations Coordinator
Club Leader
AHT Personal Development
To speak to someone about Finance:
I have a question about Parent Pay/I have a question about payments for a school trip