Applications for places outside the normal round of admissions (in-year admissions) will be allocated in accordance with the school’s published admission criteria and processed as per Southwark’s agreed protocol. Please read the following carefully to ensure that you follow the correct procedure depending on your circumstances.
1. Transferring your child from one Southwark school to The Charter School North Dulwich.
If your child is currently attending a Southwark school, and you plan to apply for a place at The Charter School North Dulwich, you must complete and submit Southwark Council’s in-year application form.
Please click here to complete the
In Year Application Form for pupils attending a Southwark School only.
On receipt of your application you will be notified of the outcome in writing within 15 school days.
2. Making a new in year application to any Southwark school, including The Charter School North Dulwich If your child is currently not attending a Southwark school (new arrivals into the borough and overseas applicants), and you'd like to apply for an in-year place at The Charter School North Dulwich, you must complete and submit Southwark Council’s in-year application form.
Please click here
Citizen Portal - Sign in ( For more information on in-year admissions, please visit:
In year admissions - Southwark Council