Open Day 2025

Year 7 Admissions

Open Day for our Year 7 September 2026 intake:
Date to be confirmed.

Any family wishing to apply for a Year 7 place at The Charter School North Dulwich must complete the following:
Deadline for Year 7 applications is the 31 October each year. The deadline for Year 7 applications for September 2026 entry is 31 October 2025.

Year 7 Entry for September 2025
Offers will be made to parents/carers by the LA of residence on 3 March 2025. Offer letters will be emailed to parents/carers who applied on time and parent/carers can also check on online on the evening of Offer Day through Admissions portal.

Your child's offer will be automatically accepted if you're a Southwark resident. All offers must be accepted by parents/carers by 14 March 2025.

If parents/carers are refusing a place at a Southwark school, they must notify the LA and the school directly by 14 March 2025.

Do we have a catchment area?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions. The answer is no. We are a community school serving the needs of the local community. Our admissions policy outlines criteria for admissions but after Looked after children, children with siblings, children with exceptional medical, psychological or social needs and children of permanent staff, we take children who live nearest to the school. For full details please consult our Admissions Policy below.

It is very difficult to assess the furthest distance in advance as we never know how many people will apply and under what criteria.  

As of the 1st March 2024 the furthest distance we have offered a place for September 2024 intake is currently at 883m.

Please take the opportunity to have a look around our website which contains a wealth of information about the school.

In Year Admissions

Applications for places outside the normal round of admissions (in-year admissions) will be allocated in accordance with the school’s published admission criteria and processed as per Southwark’s agreed protocol. Please read the following carefully to ensure that you follow the correct procedure depending on your circumstances.

1. Transferring your child from one Southwark school to The Charter School North Dulwich.

If your child is currently attending a Southwark school, and you plan to apply for a place at The Charter School North Dulwich, you must complete and submit Southwark Council’s in-year application form. 

Please click here to complete the In Year Application Form for pupils attending a Southwark School only.

On receipt of your application you will be notified of the outcome in writing within 15 school days.

2. Making a new in year application to any Southwark school, including The Charter School North Dulwich If your child is currently not attending a Southwark school (new arrivals into the borough and overseas applicants), and you'd like to apply for an in-year place at The Charter School North Dulwich, you must complete and submit Southwark Council’s in-year application form.

Please click here  Citizen Portal - Sign in (

For more information on in-year admissions, please visit: In year admissions - Southwark Council  

Year 12 Admissions

Admission to Year 12 at The Charter School North Dulwich Sixth Form is a separate and distinct point of entry. Entry to The Charter School North Dulwich Sixth Form is by application during Year 11 no later than the application deadline. Applications for the next academic year usually open at the beginning of  November and close towards the end of December. This applies to students in Year 11 at The Charter School North Dulwich and students who apply in Year 11 from other schools.

The Sixth Form will hold an Open Day for September 2026 entry at a date to be confirmed.

You can find out more about Year 12 admissions and apply online by visiting our Sixth Form website.

Students with a statement of special educational needs

The arrangements for finding a secondary school place for a child with a statement of special educational needs (SEN) are different to those for children without a statement. It is the responsibility of the Southwark Council’s special educational needs team to consult with parents of children with statements and with schools to agree a suitable placement.

Find out more below:

Admissions Policies

Experience Charter

Our Prospectus


The arrangements for appeals are in line with the Code of Practice on School Admission Appeals, published by the Department for Education.

If a parent wishes to appeal against the decision not to offer their child a place at The Charter School North Dulwich they should contact the Admissions Officer immediately and within 20 school days of the date of the refusal decision from the local authority to request an appeal pack and form. Appeals must be lodged in writing on appeal form supplied by the school by the date specified below. The Admissions Officer is contactable by telephone on 020 7346 6602 or by email on

Appeals related to admissions for our Y7 September 2024 intake.

Appeals resulting from applications which are turned down for our Y7 admission in September 2024 will be heard according to the following timetable.

Offer letters will be sent out by the LA on 1 March 2024
Appeals must be lodged by 3pm on 28 March 2024
Appeals will be heard date TBC

For applications made in the normal admissions round, appeals will be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging an appeal.  For other appeals these will be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging an appeal or 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

The Charter School North Dulwich's statement and the appellants appeal forms will be sent to all parties (appellants, the school, panel members and clerk to the panel) no later than ten school days prior to the appeal hearing.

Having received the papers, the appellants and the school have the opportunity to present any additional evidence. Any additional evidence must be received at least five school days prior to the appeal hearing. If received after that date the additional evidence may not be considered by the panel.

Appeal Timetable for all other applications

An appeal will be heard within 30 school days of an appeal having been lodged. School statements and appellants appeal forms will be sent to all parties (appellants, the school, panel members and clerk to the panel) no later than ten school days prior to the appeal hearing. Having received the papers, the appellants and the school have an opportunity to present additional evidence, but that additional evidence must be received at least five school days prior to the appeal hearing. If received after that date they may not be considered by the panel.

Appeal Timetable for Sixth Form applications

The offer of a place is conditional upon examination results; appeals will be heard within 30 school days of confirmation of these results. Oversubscription criteria apply; see Admissions Policy

Admissions forms and policies